Private: Get Him to Leave His wife for me. Q and ACategory: QuestionsHow can i to get him to leave her for me
asked 4 years ago

Good afternoon Papa Miko, I have a problem that needs your attention I’ve been in a relationship for over 6 years with a man that is in a relationship. He’s madly in love with me, but he hasn’t been able to leave her because she helps him a lot with his restaurant and to make the story short he said that the relationship mathematically works, but he made me a promise that if the relationship does ever end, he will take ours to the next level. I’ve already met his kids and family. How can I get him to leave her for me?

I need your help. What can you do to help me?

1 Answers
Best Answer
Staff answered 4 years ago

There is alot i can do to help you to get him to leave her for you. You have waited for so long for him to leave her for you. But again you are a strong woman to be with him for 6 years while he has someoneelse. That is alot of time. Other women dont wait that long. Any way i have the right spells you need to get him to leave her for you. read more about this spell to make him leave her esily and other spells then we will talk more via my private email